Tuesday, January 9, 2018

It pays to consume and live your life
It doesn't pay to produce and live for others

It is not like that all the way, there are times when it pays to produce and live for others as well, but it in the end you will only know yourself. (i didn't know how to finish the 'but in the end..' bit, but i guess i managed it quite fine)

Monday, January 8, 2018

So, let's say you are a singer. And you sing really well and some of your hits became famous. And you are really passionate about your singing and you put your, what they call it, "soul" in it. And then many years pass and once your child (if you ever have one) will say to your grandchild: "yea, your grandpa used to sing once; i think, back in the decade X, yea, had some hit and even got featured once a show Y, i'm still having that certificate from a media outlet about the song that he had, it's somewhere on my shelves, no big deal. if you dont need it go as you wish about it i dont need it either"

Let's say you are a singer. And you sing really well but a chance to get noticed never happened for you and all of your songs were left unnoticed. And you are really passionate about your singing and you put your, what they call it, "soul" in it. And then many year pass and once your child (if you ever have one, you may have none) will say  to your grandchild: "and you know there's a funny fact: your grandpa used to sing for a while when he was younger, yea, some of his songs are still accessible somewhere online, i guess. or maybe not. so yea your grandpa once was making songs in his younger years, heh, that's the funny fact"
Wow I used to hope back in 2013. Since, like, 2015-2016, I don't say "I hope" anymore and neither I hope.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Kruskal algorithm

For three days I was writing Kruskal algorithm (mainly messing with C struct's) and I think I am ready ! :>


Monday, July 1, 2013


Hi! Here I gonna post some well-known algorithms. They are implemented in a limited subset of Go and C (because I don't know Go or C well =)). Implementations will also be far from perfect (I don't know anything about data structures as well, so I can neither know about optimal data structures for these algorithms). But I hope I will correct them as time goes, and make them better.. I hope to post at least algo a day, hence the name =). The purpose of this blog is being a learning aid. Hope it will go well!